Remember when: Getting high meant swinging at the playground, the worst thing you could get from boys was cooties, your Mom was your best friend, your Dad was your hero, your worst enemies were your siblings, race issues were who could run the fastest, the only drug you knew of was cough medicine, the only thing you smoked were the tires on your bike, skinned knees and paper cuts were they only things that hurt, your toys were the only thing that could get broken, war was a card game, life was simple and care free.
And all you wanted to do was grow up.
Now girls are called sluts. Guys are assholes. Your friends are your enemies, and your enemies are your friends. Now all every teenager does is drink. Or is flying high on one thing or thee other. Everyone hides behind fakeness. Now your heart gets broken cause people like to lie and tell rumors about you. Everything was so easy and to think the only thing we wanted was to grow up. But where does that lead us now? Where does the journey take us?